SICK a novella by Christa Wojciechowski

Coming soon to the electronic device in your lap.

I’ve put all writing projects on hold for the past few months because of my workload. This means Antoni Azarov is still waiting in the corner with arms crossed, tapping his toes, and smoking all my cigarettes. Shhhhhhhh. Don’t tell him, but I have interesting news that is a surprise even to myself.

I completed a novella!

I had to do some writing. Had to. All workie and no writie makes Christa a venom-spitting dragon from Hades. I couldn’t hold this story in and it just kind of dribbled out here and there. Over the course of a few Sunday mornings, lo! It was done.

The Sculptor series is too overwhelming to face now, so I hope this little book will entertain me (and you) while we wait till I have time to finish the dreaded magnum opus. I’m experimenting with a new genre here, so this ought to be fun.

Working title: SICK
Genre: Psychological suspense
Word count: 15-20K
Short Pitch: A woman sacrifices her youth to care for her husband whose chronic illness can’t be diagnosed.
Budget: $0. All must be done in house. So indie!

I also indulged in drafting a mock-up cover (above). Feeling like a mad genius! Heh, heh, heh.

So it will go like this

  1. first revisions (doing now)
  2. send to beta readers (next week)
  3. second revisions (the week after that)
  4. editing, proofreading (week four)
  5. publish!

I’m going to try get this out ASAP. No procrastinations.

Release date: October 1st, 2015 on Amazon and Kindle (may do a paperback too)
Price: $1.99

Let me know if you’re interested in a pre-order!

“Artists must create or wither and die.” ~Antoni Azarov

How do you feel when you don’t get your creative time?

What are you working on right now?

Tell us about it!


Update 1/9/2016: My speed publishing experiment worked! SICK was released October 1st and getting great reviews. Add SICK on Goodreads or buy SICK on Amazon.