Susan Branch’s life revolves around the care of her charming and inscrutable husband John, a man who lost his family’s fortune when his mysterious chronic illnesses left him bedridden. Together they live a decrepit existence beholden to the current owners of his family’s former estate.
After years of devoting herself to John’s care, Susan is worn out and frustrated. Yet she is determined to scrape together whatever resources she can to keep John as comfortable and as happy as possible. This includes stealing Demerol from the doctor’s office where she works to feed John’s ever-increasing need for pain medication.
As John’s condition continues to puzzle doctors, Susan begins to notice strange objects appearing around her house. Ever wary of the creepy groundskeeper, Susan decides to confront the elderly man and put an end to his snooping for good.
John suffers a critical emergency, but he is saved by his skillful doctor and is soon released from the hospital. As his health begins to improve, Susan dreams of a normal life, but her hope for a miracle transforms into a nightmare one fateful afternoon when she discovers the true cause of John’s sickness.
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Thanks to my beta readers, my blog/social media followers, my family, and my editor Candace Johnson for helping me get my speed publishing project done. And thanks in advance for any reblogs or shares. XOXOXO
It looks great. I am quite impressed by the way that the book has been described. Thanks for sharing this Psychological suspense novel.
Reblogged this on A.R. Rivera.
Sounds intriguing. I’m sold.