Hello friends. I hope all is well in your corner of the world! Things have been busy here. It’s hard to believe the last time I posted was in November 2022.
First, I want to thank all who left reviews for Oblivion Black and Hierarchy of Needs. The response to this series has been amazing! I am deeply touched by how readers felt about the story and can’t wait to release the ending. A huge shout out to my ARC team and Book Sirens followers for all their insightful reviews. You guys keep me inspired!
Unfortunately, the release of the third and final book in The Sculptor Series will be delayed for a few months. I have taken on a job with my husband’s start up, as well as running the Writers’ Mastermind, and managing author platforms for my digital marketing clients. I’m blessed with all this work, but it has cut into my writing time.
So, here’s the update—Book 3 (Working Title: Darklands) is complete and through its first rewrites. It still needs editing, proofreading, and its beautiful cover that, I’m thrilled to say, Lynne Hansen will be designing again!
To those of you who preordered Book 3—First, thank you. And second, I’m sorry, but I have to cancel the June 2, 2023 release date. Kindle will allow me to move the date ahead 30 days (July 2, 2023), but I need more time than that. You will receive a notice from Amazon that the order is cancelled and issue you a refund.
The new release date will come with the cover reveal in September 2023.
If you haven’t left a review yet for Book 1 or 2 of The Sculptor Series, I would love to know your feedback on the story. Please click here for Oblivion Black and here for Hierarchy of Needs. Scroll down till you see “Write a review” and drop a few lines.
Thanks to all, and feel free to comment/reply with your questions or thoughts.
May the muses be with you,