Dear Dark Fiction Lovers,

It has been a long time, and there is much to share, but right now, I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be at AuthorCon V in Williamsburg, Virginia this week (3/28-3/30), and I’d love to meet you there!

AuthorCon is an event hosted by Scares That Care, an all-volunteer charity whose gives a yearly gift of $10,000 to three individuals: a breast cancer patient, a burn victim, and a sick child. (See this year’s recipients here).

I attended last year as a reader with my two sisters (Gina and Tia) and met so many great people in person, including fellow staff members from Gamut Magazine , my genius cover designer, Lynne Hansen, my dearest friend and creative juggernaut, Joseph Sale, mega-author Paul Tremblay, S.C. Mendes, the Blood Bound Books authors, and many more.

This year’s AuthorCon is my first convention appearance as an author, and I’m honored and privileged to share a table with the Blood Bound Books family.

I’ll be bringing copies of The Sculptor Series (award-winning Oblivion Black, Hierarchy of Needs, and Darklands) plus my award-nominated novella Popsicle. Each book will be personally signed, and I’m offering bundle pricing exclusively for convention attendees.

Where to find me: Look for the Blood Bound Books table in the promenade. Mosey toward the black balloons and little pigs.

I’m particularly excited to connect with readers who enjoy exploring the hidden recesses of themselves through dark fiction. Whether you’ve been following my work for years or are just discovering it, I’d love to chat about what draws you to stories that take you to dark places.

If you’re planning to attend AuthorCon, please stop by and say hello! I plan to have some special surprises for visitors.

Can’t make it to the convention? Reply to this email and let me know which book you’d most like me to bring back signed for you.

Looking forward to stepping out from behind the pages and meeting you in person.

May the muses be with you,

Christa “Wojo” Wojciechowski

P.S. Follow me on Instagram @christawojo and Facebook @ChristaWojo22 for live updates from the convention floor!