by | Mar 5, 2018 | Blog, Film Reviews, On film, Uncategorized
I’ve been burned-out on movies lately. Ever-increasing over-the-top effects, campy or predictable dialogue, and lack of depth leave me in a funk. Sometimes, the visual busyness is over-stimulating and my brain just shuts off. I think, what was that? Why did I spend...
by | Feb 20, 2018 | Blog, Christa Wojciechowski, Poems, Uncategorized
My body is against you Rib bones flex under your weight Smothered by masculinity I disappear into the mattress My heart is against you When we are pressed together Fists of muscle almost touch They pound at each other My spirit is against you Your finger...
by | Feb 3, 2018 | Blog, Book Reviews, Christa Wojciechowski, The Wrong David, Uncategorized
It was such a nice surprise to see that Christie Adams reviewed my first published work, The Wrong David. This is my first video review and it is exciting to see my book in the hands of another human being across the ocean! Make sure you subscribe to Christie’s...
by | Feb 3, 2018 | †3 Dark, Blog, Christa Wojciechowski
Here’s another version of the concept video of my work-in-progress for Project 13Dark.Just a few little tweaks from the orig… Learn more
by | Jan 31, 2018 | †3 Dark, Blog, Uncategorized
You may remember Ross Jeffery from my interview with the staff of Storgy Literary Magazine. Ross is their Executive Director of Books and always has his nose in one. He is also a burgeoning writer who is part of Project †3 Dark and has just had his story Judgements...
by | Jan 22, 2018 | Blog, Book Reviews, Christa Wojciechowski, SICK
The Sick Series Kindle Countdown Deal only 99¢ each 1/22/2018 Originally published in Storgy Literary Magazine By Joseph Sale – I first read Sick back in July 2016. It was a half-hearted summer for sun – it almost always is in the UK – but made up for by the fact...
by | Jan 22, 2018 | Blog, Book Reviews, Christa Wojciechowski, SICK, Uncategorized
The Sick Series Kindle Countdown Deal only 99¢ each 1/22/2018 Originally published in Storgy Literary Magazine By Joseph Sale – When you’ve created characters people care about in a series, ending it can be impossible. How to do them justice? How to resolve those arcs...
by | Jan 22, 2018 | Blog, Book Reviews, Christa Wojciechowski, SICK, Uncategorized
The Sick Series Kindle Countdown Deal only 99¢ each 1/22/2018 Originally published in Storgy Literary Magazine By Joseph Sale – Sick Part II is how you do a sequel. Told from the perspective of John Branch, rather than Susan, the prose is tonally worlds apart. Whereas...
by | Jan 8, 2018 | Blog, Christa Wojciechowski, For Writers, On Creativity, Poems, Quote Images, Uncategorized
Writers can get grouchy when life gets in the way of writing. It feels good to create something everyday, even if it’s a tiny off-the-cuff poem. Subterranean This is how she moves in the dark under the cover of words This is how she lights up when the moon winks...
by | Jan 2, 2018 | †3 Dark, Blog, Christa Wojciechowski, Uncategorized
Life has been crazy. Life has been great. Life has left little time for writing. Writing is something I love. Writing brings me joy. Writing has become something frantically pounded out on the keyboard whenever I get a free minute. It happens after everything else is...