by | May 25, 2015 | Getting Older, Lists
I just returned from my biannual visit to Florida where I was lucky enough to spend some quality time with my one and only adorable nephew. I’ve never spent a lot of time with babies, so child development is all new to me. Now that I’ve had time to observe...
by | Feb 17, 2015 | Side Projects
Hello, Hola, Ciao, Bonjour, and здравствуйте! Have you ever dreamed of becoming fluent in another language? Have you imagined whispering in Italian to your sweetheart, ordering your entrée in perfect French, or traveling to Latin America without a foreign language...
by | Dec 31, 2014 | Expat Experiences, Panama Life
Originally published on Medium. How do you differentiate selfishness from self-preservation? I grew up in the United States, where Christmas is a mishmash of many traditions old and new. In my family, we always looked forward to the presents and the food, of course,...