by | Jul 31, 2015 | Book Reviews
Hello dear readers, I’ve been enjoying some great books lately and I thought maybe you’d like to hear about them. You might ask, why, Christa? Why so many druggy books? Well, for one, I am in the process of revising my three part series of druggy books....
by | Jul 7, 2015 | For Writers
The Real Edition has already attracted an avalanche of writers and readers after its launch last week. The best news is that you’re invited to be a part of it. What is the real edition? (TRE) is a publishing platform for all things addiction...
by | Mar 26, 2015 | Uncategorized
Do you ever sit around, have a beer, and retell stories of those crazy legendary friends of the past? Well, that’s kind of what Julie Mc Sorley and her son Marcus have done with their book, Out of the Box: The Highs and Lows of a Champion Smuggler. I...