by | May 15, 2015 | The Sculptor
I hit the streets of historic New Hope, PA to immerse myself in my characters’ world. You guys know I’m anal about the details. I sucked up the sounds and smells. I took lots of notes and pictures. I expected to see Ona walking to work or Antoni shooting...
by | Mar 20, 2015 | News, The Sculptor
Hey, all! I know I haven’t been writing any ‘real’ posts. I’ve been trying to placate you with obscure cocktails and old videos, but that’s because I’m knee deep in the shiz right now. Some of you may already know that...
by | Jan 26, 2015 | For Writers, The Sculptor
My anti-hero is a disturbed sculptor whose art captivates the world. His story is very important to me and as an author I felt it my responsibility to make sure I created a believable character and an accurate portrayal of an artistic genius’ world. A few months...