It’s really happening. Oblivion Black, a story that was born a decade ago and has since evolved into a 3-part monstrosity, is nearly ready for publication.
I cannot give the official date yet, but those who follow this blog and/or are on the mailing list will be the first to know.
ARCs (Advanced Review Copies) are going out over the weekend.
How to get your copy?
If you are on the mailing list, you already are set up to receive your free review copy. Keep and eye out for it in your mailbox (be sure to check your Promo tab if you use the Gmail app).
You must be on the mailing list. If you are a blog subscriber or website visitor, I do not have your email address and you must sign up here.
If you’re not sure if you’re on the mailing list, just reply to this post/newsletter or send and email to christa (at) christawojo (dot) com.
What format will I get?
You will be able to choose your eBook format for download from the email.
What do I do with an ARC?
An ARC is a free pre-release version of the book. Authors send them out so that readers have time to read and review them before publication date.
ARCs are available to everyone on the CW Author Mailing list. You do not have to be a professional reviewer or book blogger, just someone who loves edgy love stories about messed up people.
Detailed instructions will be sent with your secure copy.
What’s with the black cover?
The plain black is a temporary cover. The cover art is still in the talented hands of Lynne Hansen.
An official cover reveal will be coming soon!
Thanks to everyone for their help and support. I can’t wait for you to meet the sculptor and his muse!