My Favorite Screen Characters

I was tagged by Susan Kicklighter in this blog hop, but this subject is fun for everyone. Even if you’re not a blogger, you can leave your top ten favorite screen characters from movie or television in the comments section. It’s really difficult to narrow...

Help! I Invented Something

So I have this invention… This idea for a gizmo has been bouncing off the walls of my skull for over a year now. I thought that surely it was such an obvious idea that someone, somewhere must have come up with it already. I looked for it in stores, but I never...

You Might Be Generation X if…

I just had another birthday and I’m wondering if I seem as old and uncool to young people as my parents seemed to me when I was a teenager. I don’t have kids, otherwise I might have someone to tell me how embarrassing I am. I like to think I’m still...