by | Aug 14, 2018 | †3 Dark, Blog, For Writers, Interviews, Uncategorized
Today I interview one of my favorite living writers and the creator of †3Dark, Joseph Sale. You’ll learn the secrets behind the mysterious beginnings of the project and why he’s chosen to publish thirteen unique voices in dark fiction. Joseph Sale is also...
by | Jul 5, 2017 | †3 Dark, Blog, Christa Wojciechowski, Literary Publications, News, Side Projects, Uncategorized, Works in Progress
You all may wondered about the status of 13Dark. The great news is the first issue is fully funded and is about to come out. Due to unfortunate personal circumstances, I won’t be appearing in the first issue as planned, but I will be in the final issue. So, get...
by | Feb 20, 2015 | On Creativity
So I have this invention… This idea for a gizmo has been bouncing off the walls of my skull for over a year now. I thought that surely it was such an obvious idea that someone, somewhere must have come up with it already. I looked for it in stores, but I never...
by | Feb 17, 2015 | Side Projects
Hello, Hola, Ciao, Bonjour, and здравствуйте! Have you ever dreamed of becoming fluent in another language? Have you imagined whispering in Italian to your sweetheart, ordering your entrée in perfect French, or traveling to Latin America without a foreign language...