by | Jun 17, 2022 | Blog, The Sculptor
It’s really happening. Oblivion Black, a story that was born a decade ago and has since evolved into a 3-part monstrosity, is nearly ready for publication. I cannot give the official date yet, but those who follow this blog and/or are on the mailing list will be...
by | May 1, 2015 | The Wrong David
To celebrate the one year anniversary of my first published work, I’m offering my novelette, The Wrong David, free all weekend. Here are some of the reviews… “…a very entertaining, sexually wrought, wistful romp throughout the beaches and...
by | Apr 30, 2015 | The Wrong David
It’s hard to believe The Wrong David was published a year ago. I have very nostalgic feelings for this novela because it was the first thing I’ve ever published. I miss these characters and wonder if I should revisit them for a full-length novel. Maybe you...