by | Nov 16, 2018 | Blog, For Writers, Horror, Uncategorized, Writer Resources, Writer Services
Gothic fiction is my favorite genre in literature. I love the gloomy atmosphere, its spine-tingling effect, its brooding, mysterious characters and its romantic prose. No matter what I write, I usually tend to lean toward the gothic. What is gothic fiction? For those...
by | Aug 14, 2018 | †3 Dark, Blog, For Writers, Interviews, Uncategorized
Today I interview one of my favorite living writers and the creator of †3Dark, Joseph Sale. You’ll learn the secrets behind the mysterious beginnings of the project and why he’s chosen to publish thirteen unique voices in dark fiction. Joseph Sale is also...
by | Apr 27, 2017 | †3 Dark, Blog, Uncategorized
Via the blog of Joseph Sale Hello everyone, We are on the homestretch of our Kickstarter Campaign, so, to thank all you AMAZING people out there who have backed us, we thought it was time to give you all a little taster of what’s coming. Here, below, we have two story...
by | Apr 7, 2017 | †3 Dark, Blog, For Writers, Side Projects
I told you all I had cool news for you. Here it is! Project 13Dark has launched its Kickstarter Campaign. Tired of the same ol’ mainstream fiction? Find out all about this unique project that will showcase both dark fiction and art. Become part of movement...
by | Mar 29, 2017 | †3 Dark, Blog
Originally posted on Joseph Sale: Graphic Horror Writer Yesterday, at roughly 9:30am, I quit my job. It was a good job, in many respects. It paid decent wages. There was a great team of people there who I shared laughs with. I enjoyed my time there. But,...
by | Mar 18, 2017 | †3 Dark, Blog, SICK, Side Projects
Hello all! I’m ecstatic to have been signed on by the †3 DARK Project. I know it’s still a mystery to most of you. I will post all the details very soon. In the meantime, follow †3 DARK on Facebook and Twitter. There is nothing more validating for a writer...