by | Aug 31, 2022 | Blog, Existentialism, Getting Older, Let's Get Published, Uncategorized
My attempt to slow down the perception of time Philippe de Champaigne’s Vanitas (c. 1671) is reduced to three essentials: Life, Death, and Time (Public Domain) Time is a slippery thing. It’s hard to grasp the concept of time as it is to grasp time itself. How...
by | Sep 18, 2016 | Art Beyond Words, Blog, Uncategorized
I’m obsessed with Son Lux and all their side projects lately. They also have phenomenal videos. Make sure you watch this one till the end. There’s a twist in the tale. What did you think of this...
by | Oct 23, 2015 | For Writers, On Creativity
As a creative person and one who’s plagued by existential questions, I get trapped into that circle of thinking if what I’m doing matters. Will anyone read my writing? Will anyone care? Will I ever be able to make a living from it? Am I just wasting my time and energy...
by | Jul 22, 2015 | For Writers
Excerpt from Of Human Bondage by William Somerset Maugham. I finally finished reading Of Human Bondage. Honestly, I didn’t want it to end. It’s an amazing book that resonated with me on multiple levels. My copy has kept me company toilet-side for the past...