by | Apr 10, 2019 | Addiction, Blog, For Writers, Interviews, Vice, Writer Crush Wednesday
On this Writer Crush Wednesday, I’m sharing my interview with Jerry Stahl. It’s not every day a writer gets to chat with her idols. This was a huge honor and I’m so grateful to Jerry for taking the time to answer my questions about his work and his...
by | Apr 5, 2019 | Addiction, Blog, Book Reviews, Guest posts
Originally published on Storgy Literary Magazine. Before self-publishing made it possible for anyone to share their drug battle with the world, and before those brave enough to fight the stigma against addiction and “recover out loud,” there was Permanent Midnight....
by | Jul 31, 2015 | Book Reviews
Hello dear readers, I’ve been enjoying some great books lately and I thought maybe you’d like to hear about them. You might ask, why, Christa? Why so many druggy books? Well, for one, I am in the process of revising my three part series of druggy books....