by | May 1, 2015 | The Wrong David
To celebrate the one year anniversary of my first published work, I’m offering my novelette, The Wrong David, free all weekend. Here are some of the reviews… “…a very entertaining, sexually wrought, wistful romp throughout the beaches and...
by | Apr 30, 2015 | The Wrong David
It’s hard to believe The Wrong David was published a year ago. I have very nostalgic feelings for this novela because it was the first thing I’ve ever published. I miss these characters and wonder if I should revisit them for a full-length novel. Maybe you...
by | Mar 27, 2015 | Character Appearances, For Writers, On Creativity, The Sculptor
I love to nag people for interviews, and annoying as I may be, some very famous people occasionally indulge me. This was the case with world renowned sculptor, Antoni Azarov. Even though the press dub him, and I quote, an “asshole,” I’ve discovered once you get used...
by | Mar 20, 2015 | News, The Sculptor
Hey, all! I know I haven’t been writing any ‘real’ posts. I’ve been trying to placate you with obscure cocktails and old videos, but that’s because I’m knee deep in the shiz right now. Some of you may already know that...
by | Jan 7, 2015 | Cool Giveaways, Kristine Poole, Monthly Prize, The Sculptor, The Wrong David, Writers Roast
I meant to get this news out in individual posts before New Years, but that never happened. I blame my tardiness partly on holiday preparations, but it was mostly the coma-like state induced by excessive eating and champagne consumption. So here’s a round-up of the...
by | Dec 6, 2014 | Cool Giveaways, The Wrong David
Hello, my friends! Today’s the last day to enter to win my novelette, The Wrong David, at Deranged Writers for their December Delights festivities. I know it’s kind of a last minute announcement, but I’ve been traveling the past few weeks and...
by | Nov 27, 2014 | Cool Giveaways, Klimt, Monthly Prize, The Wrong David
The Wrong David with my tote bag from the giveaway. Can you tell I’m obsessed with Klimt?