90's Monday: Talk Show Host

This is one of my favorite Radiohead songs. Talk Show Host is from the Romeo + Juliet soundtrack circa 1996, and it’s on the playlist I listen to while writing my work in progress. I’m loyal to the 1968 movie so I wasn’t crazy about this modernized...

Seasick, Yet Still Docked

I spent many afternoons languishing in delicious melancholy to this song. I am a poor, freezing-cold soul, So far from where I intended to go. Scavenging through life’s very constant lulls, So far from where I’m determined to go. Wish I knew the way to...

Liebster Award for Christa Wojo

Yay! Madhuri Blaylock, author of The Sanctum and co-writer at Write Bitches, nominated me for the Liebster Award. Wait. Who is this mysterious Liebster? And why did he start these awards? I have no idea, but I am very honored to participate. Here’s what Madhuri says....