by | Oct 12, 2022 | Blog, Book Reviews, Dark Fiction, SICK, Uncategorized
SICK Part 1 (now Afflicted-Sick Book 1) will be re-released by Raven Tale Publishing soon. After the first edition, one of my readers found it so off-putting, they could not continue with the series. This, she told me, was a compliment. So what made me choose to write...
by | Oct 4, 2022 | Blog, Popsicle, Uncategorized
On February 7th, 2020, I signed my first contract with a publisher. Bloodshot Books gave me a shot with Popsicle, a novella I had written in 2018 (probably the weirdest thing I have and ever will write). Little did we know that, within a few weeks, COVID 19 would...
by | Aug 31, 2022 | Blog, Existentialism, Getting Older, Let's Get Published, Uncategorized
My attempt to slow down the perception of time Philippe de Champaigne’s Vanitas (c. 1671) is reduced to three essentials: Life, Death, and Time (Public Domain) Time is a slippery thing. It’s hard to grasp the concept of time as it is to grasp time itself. How...
by | Aug 3, 2022 | Blog, Christa Wojciechowski, Releases, Reviews of My Books, The Sculptor, Uncategorized
Hello dear readers, Things have gotten quite busy this year. It’s as if all the seeds I planted during the 2020 lockdown have begun to sprout. I don’t want to drown you in details, so I will just do a quick run through of the latest news. New Short Story...
by | Jul 20, 2022 | Blog, Christa Wojciechowski, The Sculptor, Uncategorized
The cover for Oblivion Black is here, and it is an absolute masterpiece. A massive thanks to Lynne Hansen for her brilliant work! I could never have come up with such a beautiful, fitting concept and aesthetic for this book. This story is about the transcendent power...
by | Jul 6, 2022 | Art Beyond Words, Blog, The Sculptor, Uncategorized
My upcoming novel, Oblivion Black, is about a disillusioned painter who turns to drugs. She has a wake up call when she survives an overdose and realizes how easily she could’ve slipped into the black void of death. Throughout the creation of this book, I...
by | Jun 17, 2022 | Blog, The Sculptor
It’s really happening. Oblivion Black, a story that was born a decade ago and has since evolved into a 3-part monstrosity, is nearly ready for publication. I cannot give the official date yet, but those who follow this blog and/or are on the mailing list will be...
by | May 9, 2022 | Blog, The Sculptor, Uncategorized
Hello all, I hope this email finds you well in your corner of the world. I’ve been dying to share this news. Artist Lynne Hansen will design the cover for Oblivion Black, as well as the covers for the next two books in The Sculptor Series. The story of the...
by | Apr 26, 2022 | Blog, Dark Fiction, Existentialism, Gothic Fiction, Uncategorized
Anne Rice was a mother, friend, and mentor to both readers and writers. She was a sorceress who conjured up ages past and transported us to rich and fascinating places all over the world. We almost believed she was immortal, like her characters. It was a great loss...
by | Apr 8, 2022 | Art Beyond Words, Blog, On Beauty, The Sculptor, Uncategorized
There is always hope as long as there is beauty. This is the main theme of my first full-length novel, Oblivion Black (now on Kindle Vella). It’s about and artist and his muse and how they both survive by clinging to beauty in the face of absolute darkness....