by | Apr 9, 2019 | Blog, Book Marketing, For Writers, Let's Get Published, Writer Resources, Writer Services
Writers are thought of as strange, solitary creatures. Many of us spend more time with the characters in our heads instead of real people, including me. This is a great modus operandi for the actual writing part, but when it comes to all the other elements that go...
by | Aug 28, 2018 | †3 Dark, Blog, Uncategorized
Anthony Self is Executive Director, Head of Film and writer for online literary magazine He is always on the prowl for unique stories. He also pens his own, and his †3Dark story, The Crossing, is certainly unique. The writing is sober, measured, allowing...
by | Aug 17, 2018 | †3 Dark, For Writers, Interviews, On Creativity
Richard Thomas writes about the dark and strange. I first read his collection of stories called Staring into the Abyss. A few of those stories hit a nerve, and that rarely happens for me. I’m now devouring his Tribulations. Richard has an extensive list of...
by | Aug 14, 2018 | †3 Dark, Blog, For Writers, Interviews, Uncategorized
Today I interview one of my favorite living writers and the creator of †3Dark, Joseph Sale. You’ll learn the secrets behind the mysterious beginnings of the project and why he’s chosen to publish thirteen unique voices in dark fiction. Joseph Sale is also...
by | May 15, 2018 | Blog, Book Marketing, Book Reviews, Uncategorized
The Miracle Morning for Writers (Hal Elrod, Steve Scott, Honoree Corder) is a spin off of The Miracle Morning. I downloaded both books after hearing author Hal Elrod’s interview on my client’s personal development podcast. I read The Miracle Morning first,...
by | Jan 31, 2018 | †3 Dark, Blog, Uncategorized
You may remember Ross Jeffery from my interview with the staff of Storgy Literary Magazine. Ross is their Executive Director of Books and always has his nose in one. He is also a burgeoning writer who is part of Project †3 Dark and has just had his story Judgements...
by | Jan 22, 2018 | Blog, Book Reviews, Christa Wojciechowski, SICK, Uncategorized
The Sick Series Kindle Countdown Deal only 99¢ each 1/22/2018 Originally published in Storgy Literary Magazine By Joseph Sale – When you’ve created characters people care about in a series, ending it can be impossible. How to do them justice? How to resolve those arcs...
by | Nov 10, 2017 | Blog, For Writers, On Art, On Creativity, Self-publishing, SICK, Works in Progress
Where I live in the mountains of Panama, the only change of season we see is from rainy to dry. This begins to take place in November. There’s a shift in the wind and the town braces itself for the Fiestas Patrias (Panama’s Independence Days). Strings of small plastic...
by | Oct 25, 2017 | Blog, Christa Wojciechowski, Self-publishing, SICK, Uncategorized, Writer Resources
Designing graphics is part of my job as a digital marketer. Still, design is not my specialty. I never had any formal training and I feel like I have much to learn. Despite my insecurities, I decided to design the covers for my self-published books. I had four main...
by | Aug 2, 2017 | Blog, News, SICK, Uncategorized
I’ve been getting requests for The SICK Series in audiobook format and I’m thrilled to announce that I have partnered up with Tiffany Marz to bring Part I of the series to life. Tiffany Marz is a talented and versatile actress, model, and singer. She was...