by | May 21, 2019 | Blog, For Writers, Let's Get Published
Hello, I’m Christa Wojciechowski, and I’m a struggling writer. It is a miraculous time in the writing world. Technology and the internet have made the dream of becoming an author possible for everyone. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. I am a self-published author. I’m...
by | Apr 12, 2019 | Blog, Client Spotlight
As a digital marketer, I get to work with some of the most amazing, inspiring people. Larry Hagner is one of those people. Larry Hagner is a husband and dad of four boys. His father was absent from his life. When it was time for him to lead a family, he felt...
by | Apr 10, 2019 | Addiction, Blog, For Writers, Interviews, Vice, Writer Crush Wednesday
On this Writer Crush Wednesday, I’m sharing my interview with Jerry Stahl. It’s not every day a writer gets to chat with her idols. This was a huge honor and I’m so grateful to Jerry for taking the time to answer my questions about his work and his...
by | Apr 9, 2019 | Blog, Book Marketing, For Writers, Let's Get Published, Writer Resources, Writer Services
Writers are thought of as strange, solitary creatures. Many of us spend more time with the characters in our heads instead of real people, including me. This is a great modus operandi for the actual writing part, but when it comes to all the other elements that go...
by | Apr 5, 2019 | Addiction, Blog, Book Reviews, Guest posts
Originally published on Storgy Literary Magazine. Before self-publishing made it possible for anyone to share their drug battle with the world, and before those brave enough to fight the stigma against addiction and “recover out loud,” there was Permanent Midnight....
by | Dec 4, 2018 | Blog, For Writers, Gothic Fiction, Horror, Writer Resources
Class is in session. Have a seat, grab your quill, and enjoy Part 2 of Writing Coach Joseph Sale’s series on how to write Gothic fiction.HOW TO WRITE GOTHICSo, in the previous class we looked at the four key elements of mood, architecture,...
by | Nov 16, 2018 | Blog, For Writers, Horror, Uncategorized, Writer Resources, Writer Services
Gothic fiction is my favorite genre in literature. I love the gloomy atmosphere, its spine-tingling effect, its brooding, mysterious characters and its romantic prose. No matter what I write, I usually tend to lean toward the gothic. What is gothic fiction? For those...
by | Oct 31, 2018 | †3 Dark, Blog, Christa Wojciechowski
Michael shuffles home from the bus stop. A heat wave bakes the city and the sweat that dribbles down his cheeks tickles and infuriates him. His jeans are heavy with humidity and rub against his knee caps. He looks down at the road beneath his sneakers to avoid being...
by | Aug 28, 2018 | †3 Dark, Blog, Uncategorized
Anthony Self is Executive Director, Head of Film and writer for online literary magazine He is always on the prowl for unique stories. He also pens his own, and his †3Dark story, The Crossing, is certainly unique. The writing is sober, measured, allowing...
by | Aug 17, 2018 | †3 Dark, For Writers, Interviews, On Creativity
Richard Thomas writes about the dark and strange. I first read his collection of stories called Staring into the Abyss. A few of those stories hit a nerve, and that rarely happens for me. I’m now devouring his Tribulations. Richard has an extensive list of...